PVDF Aluminium Satin Black
PVDF Aluminium Silver Grey
- Aluminium (pictured above) has a built in corrosion resistance.
- It can stand unprotected where it is subject to the aggressive elements.
- Aluminium is age resistant, non -sensitive to UV rays and reflects heat.
- It is durable and versatile.
- Little or no maintenance required.
- Exceptional spanning capabilities.
- High residual value.
- Recyclability.
- Low cost over life of building.
Thermal Protection
- The low emissivity of Aluminium roof/cladding sheeting greatly reduces heat gain in the building, where an air space is provided under the roof.
- The heat absorbency of the Aluminium is also favorable, particularly when the underside of a roof is insulated.
- On painted roofs, the use of light colours will help reduce the thermal absorbency of up to 30 degrees between light and dark coatings.
- The coefficient of expansion of aluminium roofing sheeting is 2.4mm per meter @ 100 degree C.
- This is approximately 1 mm/linear meter over 40 degree temperature changes and this is almost double that of steel.
Environmental Friendly.
- Only 5% of original energy used to produce aluminium is needed for recycling.
- Aluminium can be recycled for generations without limitations.
- Aluminium is the third most commonly occurring elements in the earth's crust.
- European manufacturers utilize mostly hydro electric power supply—resulting in a neutral carbon footprint.
Construction Benefits
- In addition to the environmental benefits of using aluminium, there are also considerable benefits in construction.
- Compared to steel, aluminium is extremely lightweight, approximately one third the density, resulting in low loads on buildings, which is particularly important where large spans are involved, such as are commonly found in large halls and sports areas. It also has a very high strength making it an extremely versatile material.
- Aluminium also responds well to the addition of alloying elements such as magnesium and manganese which allow alloys of extremely high tensile strength to be created, further increasing the versatility of this remarkable product.
Lifetime Benefits
Because aluminium itself is naturally so long lived, in the form of cladding it in turn extends the life expectancy of the whole building. In addition, because aluminium can be re-cycled not once but many times, this further enhances the effect that aluminium can have on the lifetime costs of a building, and is why aluminium is increasingly becoming the natural choice for roofing and cladding material. It is almost certain that an aluminium roof, even if decommissioned after only 15 years service, will have a residual value which exceeds the original material cost.