Regular cleaning maintains the aesthetic and representative finish of the surface but also maintains the desired finish through the removal of dirt and aggressive deposits. Cleaning Intervals depend on local environmental conditions.
Cleaning Frequency:
Based upon the proximity to industrial, environmental or atmospheric conditions and pollution- will dictate the frequency of maintenance required. Installations in Rural areas may require very little maintenance. In this case every couple of years should be sufficient.
Industrial and coastal installations will require more frequent maintenance based upon visual deposits and layers of dust or salt. In extreme coastal conditions, especially in periods of low rainfall, washing may be required as often as monthly.
Angle of surface:
The flatter the angle of the cladding surface as in a roof application-the more the surface is washed by natural rainfall. As the installation becomes more vertical as with Cladding applications, the rain wash-off is severely reduced and manual washing needs to be applied.
Removal of light surface soiling:
Prior to applying a cleaner, we recommend a forceful pressure water rinse cleaning from top to bottom.
Simultaneous physical rubbing is also effective. Use a soft sponge or soft rags fully soaked in water.
If this does not remove the soiling, test a simultaneous water rinse with a sponge. If the soiling is still adhering after dry, test a diluted mild detergent.
When you use a diluted mild detergent, use it with soft sponge or soft rags. Wash the surface with uniform pressure and clean the surface in a horizontal motion first and then in a vertical motion.
Minimize the drip and splash of the mild detergent and rinse the rundown immediately to avoid streaking. Clean the surface from top to bottom and follow with a thorough rinse with clean water.
Removal of Medium to heavy surface soiling:
In order to remove medium to heavy soiling caused by grease and sealing material, some type of alcohol or ethanol can be used. Dilute these alcohols by 50% with water. Strong solvents or solvents-containing cleaners may have a detrimental effect on the coating surface. Do a spot test on a small unseen area. Wash the residue with mild soap and rinse with clean water.
Avoid abrasive cleaners. Do not use household cleaners containing abrasives, eg: Ajax, Gumption or Lacquer-dissolving cleaning agents.
Do not rub excessively as it may change the coating appearance.
Avoid extremely high and low temperatures. High temperatures will accelerate the chemical reaction. evaporate water from the solution and causes streaking. Extremely low temperatures will result in a poor cleaning effect.
Do not use paint removers, strong alkali, acid cleaners or thinners.
Make sure that cleaning sponges and rags are grit free.
Do not mix cleaners.
Do not clean hot surfaces (>40 deg.) as the quick drying process may cause blemishes
All cleaning agents should have a neutral Ph of 5 - 8
NOTE: All details provided on this page are provided to the best of our knowledge and based on experience and careful testing. We accept no responsibility for incorrect application.