Steven Holl uses Corten to translate music into architecture


In the rapidly developing South Korea, several families like the  Daeyang have made their mark in the Korean advanced culture of industrial production. Their tremendous economic success inevitably called for the creation of a residence and art gallery that would match their social status. The location selected is in the hills of the Kangbuk section of Seoul, just above the city, which traditionally provided diplomats and leaders of the community with their residential quarter.


Steven Holl,  a renowned New-York Based architect was invited to design the Daeyang  collection together with a residence for the Chairman. As with many previous projects, the Daeyang residence was inspired from the patterns found in musical scores. Indeed the sketch for the score Symphony of Modules by Istvan Anhalt (1967, Montreal) provided the initial point of departure for this project, inspiring the sequence of voids, the modular volumes, the light shafts and the pond which continuously unites, reflects and divides the project elements.


Steven Holl chose to clad the three Light Pavilions overlooking the pool in Corten Steel Panles. The resulting solid monumental look of the Pavilions creates a strong contrast with the ethereal aspect of the water surface resulting in a uniquely striking space.  
